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08 February 2018

Get it done

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“Learn to sense what is vital…and of real value.”

I came across a devotional that spoke volumes to my life this past week. On may occasions I’ve struggled with getting things on my “to do list”, done! The challenge many times of beginning a new project or finishing one can take its toll on the mind. Not knowing what to do, not knowing the outcome, not trusting your skill set can put you and your goals on “park” and you end up sitting idle because you’re not sure of what to do next. I’ve learned over time, that instead of focusing on my areas of weakness, which many people will tend to point out, I now focus on my strengths. I know that God has gifted me as he has you with different gifts for doing certain things well. I encourage you today to rely on those gifts God had placed in your hands and learn to sense what is of real value and get it done!

Philippians 1:10 reads, “Learn to sense what is vital…and of real value.”

To achieve greater self-discipline, you should:

1) Start your day by doing the hard things first. And when you get sidetracked, make yourself go back and complete them. For example, make your bed, pick up your clothes, and wash the clothes; don’t make extra work for others. And don’t start several projects at once; the feeling of “getting something done” will help you grow in self-respect and self-discipline.

2) Make a commitment to be punctual. Tardiness is a hard habit to break. To conquer it you must be willing to call it what it often is – inconsiderate, selfish behavior.

3) Plan ahead. Everything takes longer than you think, so don’t wait until the last minute and then rush around like a chicken with its head cut off. “Living under the gun” can give you ulcers, whereas allowing extra time is good for your health and peace of mind.

4) Accept correction from those who care about you, without sulking or retaliating. Until you’re willing to take correction, you’ll never be qualified to give it.

The Bible says, “Wisdom is found in those who take advice” (Proverbs 13:10), so if you’re wise you’ll welcome feedback and seek counsel. Gandhi once said, “There’s always a limit to self-indulgence but none to self-restraint.” Ask God to help you control your unruly thoughts, feelings, desires, and behaviors. Identify the unmanageable areas in your life, stop making excuses, face the truth even if it hurts, refuse to feel sorry for yourself, and set a few attainable goals.

In other words: “Learn to sense what is vital…and of real value.”
