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21 June 2023
Who Do You See Blog DJ Who Events

Who Do You See?

The mirror has seen you cry! I know that all of us at any given moment or time have spent some time of reflection in front of the mirrors of our home. Maybe in your room, probably in your bathroom. We’ve all done it! I know that on several occasions I’ve personally had to shed tears of sadness alone in a locked bathroom in front of the mirror. The mirror has seen our sadness. The mirror knows when we are feeling beautiful and when we are feeling not so beautiful. The mirror has seen when you have paused to look and reflect on the happenings of life, when you have looked at yourself and asked yourself so many times so many questions about the direction and decisions of your life. The mirror has seen when you’ve asked yourself, “What are you doing with your life?” The mirror has seen you ask yourself, “what did I just do?” The mirror has seen you ask yourself, “who am I?” The mirror has seen you ask yourself, “what have I become?”

Every time we look in the mirror is because we want to make sure that we look good, that we look presentable, some of us concern ourselves with what people think of us and how we look. Some of us, not so much. But I think it’s safe to say we all want to feel good, look good even if inside we are empty, feeling downcast, feeling defeated and crushed.

Psalm 34:18 The Lord is close to the brokenhearted, He rescues those whose spirits are crushed.

Two things worth mentioning, The Lord is close!!! You may not see it, you may not feel it, but He is close. To be close means that He is only a short distance away, in very close proximity. Know that though you may be in a season of darkness, God is within your reach. He is close enough to come rescue you when you cry out to Him. He’s saying to you I am with you in your dark season, I am with you in your crushed pressing season. I am with you!!!

Understand that growth takes place in darkness. When you plant a seed, you place it under ground because if you leave it exposed to the outside elements, it will wither and die. It is not yet ready to grow and come out. Seeds are placed under the ground where it is safe from the elements of the outside world. It is sometimes necessary to be placed in a season of darkness because it is there that the initial growth will take place. It is there where preparation takes place, it I there where the foundation is laid so you’ll be well rooted for when your breakout season arrives. Know and understand that though you may be in a dark season, though you may be in a season where you feel alone, though you may be in a season where you question yourself, though you may be in a season where you are saying to yourself “who do I see”, know that in that process, in the same manner that we water the seed for growth, God is watering us with his love, God is watering us and preparing us for sustenance, God is watering us in preparation for the break out season he has in store for us. But before you and I can come out we have to come to a place where we can say, what I currently am experiencing right now is not my final destination. What I see is not what God sees!

If anyone is coming for you, it is ultimately going to be God. He is going to make a way where there is no way. I encourage you today to see yourself not how others see you, not how you may currently see yourself, but how God sees you in your time of darkness!

DJ Who?
