Getting Your Marketing Ready For 2019
Getting Your Marketing Ready For 2019
We’re just weeks away from saying goodbye to 2018. I’m pretty sure this year has come with its’ challenges, setbacks and struggles. But I’m also pretty sure that we can take some time to celebrate the accomplishments, milestones and goals reached and attained during this year as well. Whether small or large, I believe it’s important to celebrate what we’ve done and allow it to motivate us as we prepare for 2019. If you haven’t done so already, you should have a list of your 2019 Goals in writing, how you’re going to achieve them is a totally different challenge. Let your goal be your starting point and begin to detail how you’re going to get it done! I have my list, how about you? I would like to share some Marketing Questions you should be asking yourself as you go into 2019. Take a moment to review them and put them into action. Set you Calendar so that you can go back to these questions at the end of each month and check off how many of them you’ve actually accomplished. If you complete one per month, then celebrate and move on to the next one. Here’s to a successful 2019!
- Are you getting people talking about your product?
- Is your Business selling itself?
- Are you Marketing?
- Are you closing sales?
- Do you have a follow up system?
- Have you reviewed your follow up system?
- Am I generating (cold) leads?
- How do I generate (cold) leads?
- Have you created a following? (This will create success)
- Your 2019 goals are?
- Review your 2019 goals!
- Are you creating Brand Awareness?
- Are you doubting your product / service?
- Why? Fix it and move on … (action will get you out of doubt)
- Do you have Longevity / Sustainability?
- Do you have a diversity of services?
- Are you working smarter?
- How do I improve the value of my brand?
- Are you building awareness before product distribution?
- Do you know your market price value? If yes, stick with it!
- What are your short-term goals?
- How is your company different?
- How can you create value / impact?
- Have you created your website yet?
- Go back to #1 and start over.
And finally, remember that you can’t be everything to everyone!
DJ Who?